Codes of practice


Code of practice for towage operations

Code of practice for vessel bunkering operations and transfer of waste liquids by road tanker


Les Ecrehous Code of Conduct

Les Ecrehous code de conduite en Francais

Les Minquiers Code of Conduct

Visiter les Minquiers en Francais

Health and Safety

Code of practice for boat hoisting operations

Code of practice for crane and lifting operations (inc boat lifting)

Code of practice for boat park operations

 Code of practice for enjoying our coast safely

Code of practice for safety and competence management of contractors

 Authorised Contractor application form

Code of safety in docks and outlying harbours

Code of safety practice for yachts and small ships

 Shipping (Safety Code – Yachts and Small Ships) ​(Jersey) Regulations 2013 on Jersey Law website

Permits to work in and around the ports

Grit blasting permit