Licensing of charter vessels

All vessels wanting to operate commercially (all maritime commercial activities) must obtain a licence under the Harbours (Inshore Safety) (Jersey) Regulations 2012.

This includes beach launch activities such as:

  • canoeing
  • kayaking
  • jet skiing
  • water skiing

Commercial vessels

Vessels must be compliant with the requirements of the Shipping (Safety Code – Yachts and Small Ships) (Jersey) Regulations 2013.

Commercial shipping vessels over 24 metres must be compliant with the Shipping (Survey and Certification) (Jersey) Order 2013.

Employers should also be aware of the Shipping (Employment of Your People) (Jersey) Order 2007.

These regulations can be found on the maritime legislation page on the Government of Jersey website.

Maritime legislation on

 Application for a permit under Regulation 6 of the Harbours

Application forms should be returned to the Enforcement Manager, Maritime House, La Route du Port Elizabeth, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 1JD.

Small pleasure boats

Local passenger boats and small charter craft must comply with the Harbours (Inshore Safety) (Jersey) Regulations 2012.

This regulation can be found on the Law and Regulations page.