group of sea swimmers

Planning an on water event

If you’re thinking of planning any events on the water, it’s important to let Jersey Coastguard know.

Information to send to us

You should send us the following information:

Minimum of 2 months before the event:

  • date of event
  • time and duration of the event
  • type of activity, for example swimming, sailing, kayaking, SUP, surfing,
  • forecast Number of Participants
  • planned route and locations

Minimum of 1 month before the event:

  • risk assessment (if applicable)
  • event emergency contact details – name and mobile number
  • details of support craft
  • expected Number of Participants
  • confirmed route and locations

On the day of the event

On the day of the event either update or confirm with us on VHF channel 82 the following:

  • intended start time
  • number of swimmers
  • number of guard vessels
  • total number of crew on each vessel
  • any assisting craft such as kayaks

Long distance swim

If planning a long distance swimming event, Jersey Coastguard should be informed a minimum of 48 hrs before the swim.

Complete the online Coastguard Long Distance Swimming form.

Early notification of any postponement or cancellation of the swim or changes to the route would be appreciated.

If the swim involves entering French waters, the French authorities will be notified automatically with the full details of your event including the skipper’s name and contact details.

We recommend anyone doing a long-distance swimming event should join or contact a local club. They have knowledge, experience and expertise, which will help any swimmer taking on a long-distance swimming challenge.

It is also recommended that any guard boat leading the swim should be piloted by a suitably experienced skipper, with knowledge of local waters, reefs and conditions and that the vessel is equipped with a Class B AIS transceiver.

Reporting points

Reporting points along the course enable us to be kept up-to-date with the progress of the swim.

It is recommended at these points to request a weather update. Communications should primarily be done through VHF channel 82.

Details of recommended reporting points for a Round Island or Jersey to France swim are illustrated on the attached appendix page in figures 1.1 and 1.2.

Swim start positions near traffic lanes

If a swim start position is located near any traffic lanes, then St Helier VTS must also be advised of the same information provided to the Coastguard via VHF channel 14.

VTS will advise of any commercial traffic movements likely to affect the swim and will either confirm the start of the swim, or notify of a suitable window of time for the swimmer to cross the traffic lanes safely.

Once the swimmer and escorting vessels are clear of the traffic lanes, VTS must be informed.

Round Island swims

For a Round Island swim, VTS should be informed as the swimmer passes Corbiere and then again at Noirmont Point.

We will include information on the swim in our routine broadcasts at +15 mins past the hour, informing commercial shipping operating within the VTS area.

On completion of a Round Island swim, Jersey Coastguard and St Helier VTS should be advised on their respective channels.

Jersey to France swims

For a Jersey to France swim, call CROSS JOBOURG on VHF channel 16 when the swim begins, request a working channel and pass the relevant details of the swim to them.

On crossing Longitude 01°50′.00 W, inform Jersey Coastguard on VHF channel 82, and once again call CROSS JOBOURG on VHF channel 16 and request a working channel to advise them the swim is now entering French waters.

For the duration of the swim, a listening watch should be maintained on VHF channel 16. If the swim terminates in France, then CROSS JOBURG and Jersey Coastguard should be informed.

On return passage to Jersey, a Traffic Report (TR) should be opened with Jersey Coastguard and then closed on safe arrival. Information on TRs can be found on under VHF radios and logging reports.

Tides and sea conditions

Jersey has some strong tidal currents. Some are stronger at certain states of the tide and at different points along the coast due to the large tidal range experienced by the Channel Islands and adjacent coast of France.

Information about tidal conditions around the coast can be found in the ‘Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas: The Channel Islands and Adjacent Coasts of France’. Information is also available on the Easytide website.

Weather and shipping forecasts

Jersey’s weather can be quite localised and is subject to change due to its location in the Bay of St Malo. Weather conditions are one of the most important factors that needs to be considered when organising an event.

The weather forecast should be closely monitored up to and throughout the event. All weather information can be obtained from the Jersey Meteorological Department.

We also broadcast the latest shipping forecasts on VHF channel 82. Timings can be viewed on our Weather page.

We recommend that at each reporting point, the latest weather details are obtained on VHF channel 82.

Deterioration in weather conditions

We would advise that a long-distance swimming attempt should be abandoned if

  • the visibility is greatly reduced ie fog
  • the wind strength increases to F4 or greater

If there is any deterioration in the weather conditions, the safety should be taken into consideration and a decision should be made whether to continue or abandon the attempt. Do not hesitate to contact Jersey Coastguard on VHF channel 82 for any advice or assistance.

Commercial shipping traffic

Commercial shipping can be a danger that must be considered when organising an event. A navigational chart must be referred to so you are familiar with the routes used by ships to enter and leave the Port of Jersey and any restricted or precautionary areas. St Helier VTS must be informed of any event that is to take place near any of the main shipping passages or restricted areas on VHF channel 14.