New plans for St Catherine’s area

From Port of Jersey
11th December 2023

Ports of Jersey has accepted a joint business proposal for the future use of the St Catherine’s bunker, tunnels and outside area.

In October, Ports of Jersey invited expressions of interest from businesses with viable ideas for the area, after the current leaseholders gave notice that they would be ending their long association with the site. The tunnels have a fascinating history, and Ports of Jersey wanted to provide a deeper understanding of their past to enhance the heritage offering for tourists.

The chosen proposal, from Jersey War Tours and Jersey Seafaris, will create a museum and welcome centre to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the area, and will aim to become a hub for tourists seeking an immersive and educational experience. It also proposes to involve the local community in developing and operating both the museum and welcome centre.

Ports of Jersey’s Events and Project Support Manager, Kim Gilbraith, said: “We are delighted to announce this new partnership with Jersey War Tours and Jersey Seafaris. Their combined proposal will make the site accessible to all and incorporate the area into a bigger ‘land to sea’ historical tour. The two organisations have demonstrated the knowledge, resources and passion to transform and preserve the tunnels and we look forward to working with them to realise their plans. St Catherine’s war tunnels hold a profound historical significance, and we felt that this proposal demonstrated a clear and achievable plan that fits in well with the area.”

Phil Marett from Jersey War Tours said: “The team at JWT is very excited to start on this new project and is looking forward to working with Jersey Seafaris and the Ports of Jersey to open up the unique fortifications at St Catherine. This work will be challenging, but we have great supporters backing us and look forward to sharing the journey.”

Dan Luce from Jersey Seafaris said: “Jersey Seafaris are delighted to take on this new project and look forward to working alongside Jersey War Tours and Ports of Jersey. This rare opportunity will showcase our impressive wartime and maritime history in a magnificent setting. We hope to involve the community through the restoration journey so that this project benefits locals and tourists for years to come.”

Ports of Jersey will now work on the details of the agreement with the two organisations.

Port of Jersey