Quay.je membership benefits
Discount on accessories purchased in the shop
From brands such as Jobe, Totalcool, Ultra Anchors, Dockmate, and Seabob. Visit the shop for their latest offers.
- Gold and Silver member: Up to 15% discount
Power washing
Discount on power washing and inspection when a quick turnaround has been booked as part of the membership scheme.
- Gold and Silver member: 50% discount
Safety health check on your vessel
We will check the condition of any emergency equipment on board and the service dates on fitted equipment, suggesting upgrades or servicing requirements for best practice or compliance if applicable. Please note, commercial vessels are excluded. A full detailed list of suggested items to buy will then be given out, eg life-raft, lifejackets, search and rescue transponder, EPIRB (emergency position-indicating radio beacon), firefighting equipment, smoke/carbon monoxide alarms, first aid kit, and any other recommendations.
- Gold and Silver member: Free
How to claim
Please email ben@quay.je or call (01534) 888100 to book or claim the offer.